Registrations are invited from school students of classes 1 to 10 for the Unified Council International Mathematics Olympiad. Register now!

About Unified Council

Unified Council is a professionally managed progressive organisation in the field of education, established in the year 1998 by eminent personalities from various fields, including some academicians of international repute.

About the Olympiad

UIMO is a curriculum-based examination, which we are sure will prove to be very useful to students in assessing their strengths & weakness in Maths. UIMO has been designed and developed by highly experienced educational specialists, and so will provide a conquering charm to the young minds with a competitive spirit. The development of a skill-blueprint reflects in the analysis of performance made at individual, class, school and country levels, through a graphical report made available to all.

Eligibility Criteria

Students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are eligible to participate in this examination.

Exam Schedule

  • Offline Exam Date: (for Registrations through Schools) January 20, 2024 (Tuesday).
  • Online Exam Date: (for Direct Registrations) February 4, 2024 (Sunday).

Exam Fee

Rs. 150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty only): Students desirous of referring to the Olympiad Power Pack should add Rs. 80 for a set of Question papers.

Exam Structure

This exam will be conducted in the school premises of the respective schools.

Exam Pattern

There will be a different question paper for each class. All the questions are objective-type with no negative marking for wrong answers.

Classes >Classes 1 and 2Classes 3 to 5Classes 6 to 10
No. of Questions405050
Duration1 hour

Division of Marks

For Class 1 & 2

Mathematics30 marks
Logical Reasoning10 marks

For Class 3 to 5

Mathematics35 marks
Logical Reasoning10 marks
Critical Thinking05 marks

For Class 6 to 10

Mathematics – 130 marks
Mathematics – 215 marks
Logical Reasoning10 marks
Critical Thinking05 marks

Note: For all the above sections, except in the case of mathematics-2, the questions are ‘single correct answer’ type, each carrying 1 mark.

In Mathematics-2, there are 5 questions (Question Number 31 to 35) that are ‘multiple correct answer’ type and so have more than 1 correct option as ‘answer’ (2, 3 or 4 options may be correct). Darken the correct options as your ‘answer’ in the OMR sheet provided. Each question carries 3 marks.


UIMO question papers are suitable for students following CBSE/ICSE/ISC and various other State Board syllabi. Please refer the syllabus provided.

Unified International Mathematics Olympiad question papers are suitable for students following CBSE/ICSE/ISC and various other State Board syllabi.

How to Apply?

Please send a single consolidated Demand Draft towards the exam fee of all the students appearing for the UIMO from your school.

D. D. should be drawn in favour of UNIFIED COUNCIL payable at HYDERABAD.

Frame the list of students in the given format (preferably typed) and send it to our address along with the D. D. by courier service/registered post/speed post.

For further details please send an email to support[at]unifiedcouncil[dot]com or write a letter for a complete information brochure of the Unified International English Olympiad.

Note: The venue of the UIMO will be respective schools only. There is no open centre facility for this examination. So we do not accept individual application forms for UIMO. Students are requested to apply through their respective schools only.

For further details, please contact the Teacher-in-Charge at your school.


  • UIMO Topper is awarded Rs. 2,00,000 cash prize*. The student who achieves the 1st rank and highest percentage of marks among all the classes is declared as UIMO Topper. 
  • The Top Rankers and the next 2 Rankers in each class are awarded a Laptop and a Tablet PC respectively + a Memento to, each.
  • Ranks 4 to 10 and 11 to 25 of each class, are each awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1,500 and Rs. 1,000 respectively. 
  • Rankers 26 to 100 of each class are each awarded BMA’s Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book from M/s. Brain Mapping Academy, each.
  • All the Rankers (1 to 100) are each awarded an Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth Rs. 1,198, a Medal and a Certificate of Appreciation.

Prizes For State Toppers

The top 3 rankers from each State (minimum of 10,000 students in a particular State) are awarded with a special award for encouragement. He/she is awarded with Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth Rs. 1198, and a Certificate of Appreciation.

Note: State-wise ranks are declared after excluding the top 100 ranks across the Globe.

Participation certificates are presented to all students who appear for the examination.

Class Topper

We declare 3 Class Toppers per class in each school. Class Toppers are awarded a medal and a Certificate of Appreciation.

Certificate and Student Performance Report (SPR) for all the participants.

Interpreting Results

Ranking: When more than one student gets an equal top score, the priority for awarding ranks will be according to the marks acquired in the specified order of sections in the question paper.

In case of a tie in deciding a rank because of the same marks, the time taken for completing the test is considered for deciding the rank. One who has taken less time for completing gets the upper rank.

Institutional Awards

Best Performance Award – School

One Best Performance School Award in each zone (17 zones) will be presented to the top-performing school. The Principal and Teacher-in-Charge of the respective schools will be awarded Best Contribution in Computer Education Award and a Cash Prize of Rs.3000 each.

Top Mentor Award – State

The Principal and the Teacher-in-charge of top 5 schools with the highest participation from each State (with a minimum of 300 schools’ participation) are awarded a Cash Prize of ` 1500 + a Certificate, each.

Best Participation School

Certificate of Appreciation will be presented to all the schools which forward more than 100 applications.

All the co-ordinating Teachers in charge of the UIMO will be awarded a Certificate of Appreciation.

Click here to view the official notification of the Unified Council International Mathematics Olympiad for Students of Classes 1 to 10 [Certificates + Prizes of More Than Rs. 2 Lakhs].

Image taken from here.