Submissions are invited for the Lions International Peace Essay Contest for Visually Impaired Students. The deadline for submission is November 15, 2024.

About the Contest

The Lions International Essay Contest 2024-2025 offers a unique opportunity for visually impaired students to express their thoughts on this year’s theme: β€œPeace Without Limits.” Lions Clubs worldwide are encouraged to sponsor participants, helping them share their vision for peace while promoting inclusivity and empowerment.

Lions International Peace Essay Contest
Lions International Peace Essay Contest


This contest is open to visually impaired students aged 11, 12, or 13 as of November 15, 2024 (eligible birthdates: November 16, 2010 – November 15, 2013). Essays, which must be in English, typewritten, and no longer than 500 words, should address the theme of β€œPeace Without Limits.”

Guidelines for Participation

  • Essay Length: Essays must be no longer than 500 words, written in English, typewritten in black ink, and double spaced.
  • Entry Form: Each essay must be submitted with a completed entry form. Essays without an entry form will be disqualified.
  • Original Work: Each entry must be the original work of the student. Essays that have been previously published or found to be plagiarized will be disqualified.
  • One Entry Per Student: Each student may submit only one essay per year.
  • Eligibility: The contest is open to visually impaired students, as defined by their national guidelines, who meet the age requirements.

Key Contest Rules

  • Ownership of Entries: All essays become the property of Lions International and cannot be returned. Participants agree to allow Lions International to use their names and photographs for promotional purposes.
  • Judging Decisions: The decisions made by the judges and Lions International are final.
  • Cancellation: Lions International reserves the right to cancel the contest at any time without notice.


  • November 15, 2024: Postmark deadline for clubs to send their winning essay to the district governor.
  • December 1, 2024: Postmark deadline for districts to send their winning entry to the multiple district council chairperson or directly to Lions Clubs International if not part of a multiple district.
  • December 15, 2024: Postmark deadline for multiple districts to send their winning essay to Lions Clubs International.
  • February 1, 2025: Notification of international winners.


One grand prize will receive an amount of Rs. 4L+ / US$ 5000.

How Your Club Can Get Involved?

Sponsoring visually impaired students in the essay contest is a meaningful way to support their creative expression and global voice. Here’s how your club can help:

  • Promote the Contest: Raise awareness about the contest on social media using the #peaceessay tag. Download customizable social media graphics from the official contest page.
  • Celebrate Your Winner: After selecting a club-level winner, share their success on your social channels, and announce their achievement through a press release. Templates for this are available at this link.
  • Host an Award Ceremony: If your club or the participating school is organizing a special ceremony for the winner, coordinate with local media to maximize visibility.
  • Advance in the Competition: Keep the media and your social channels updated if your club’s entry advances to the multiple district or international judging levels.

How to Register?

Interested participants can register through this link.


The deadline for submission is November 15, 2024.

Click here to view the official notification of the Lions International Peace Essay Contest.

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