Participate in the 10th Edition of the Global Media Competition on Labour Migration by ILO by October 31, 2024 and win exciting prizes!

About the Competition

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is excited to announce the 10th edition of the Global Media Competition on Labour Migration. This annual competition seeks to highlight and reward fair, balanced, and impactful media reports that bring attention to the complexities and realities of labour migration.

10th Edition of the Global Media Competition on Labour Migration by ILO
10th Edition of the Global Media Competition on Labour Migration by ILO


Migrant workers often face discrimination, stereotypes, and harsh working conditions. Inaccurate and negative narratives can fuel these problems, exacerbating the challenges faced by migrants around the world. The ILO’s Global Media Competition is dedicated to shining a light on the positive and multidimensional aspects of migrant workers’ lives, helping to counter harmful stereotypes and highlight the contributions they make to society.

Who Can Enter?

The competition is open to both professional and students from across the globe. Whether you’re an experienced reporter or a journalism student with a passion for migration stories, this is your chance to be recognized for your work.

Submission formats include:

  • Written press
  • Photo essay
  • Multimedia
  • Podcast
  • Video
  • Radio

You can submit your piece in any language, but it must include a translation in English, French, or Spanish.

Special 10th Anniversary Prize

To mark the tenth anniversary of the competition and the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, an additional special prize will be awarded for reporting on forced labour and trafficking in persons. This is a unique opportunity to bring attention to one of the most pressing issues facing migrant workers today.

How to Enter?

  1. Complete the online entry form.
  2. Submit your media piece in one of the accepted formats (written, multimedia, video, etc.).
  3. Make sure to submit your entry by the 31 October 2024 deadline.

Both published and unpublished works are welcome in the student category, offering a great platform for budding journalists to showcase their talents.


This year’s competition offers exciting rewards for both professionals and students. Winners will have the option to choose between a cash prize or a unique learning opportunity:

Professional Category:

  • Cash prize: US$1,200
  • Or a paid fellowship to participate in an online ITC-Turin course on fair recruitment, forced labour, or labour migration in 2025.

Student Category:

  • Cash prize: US$500
  • Or a paid fellowship for an online ITC-Turin course.

A total of four professional prizes (including the special forced labour award) and one student prize will be given out.

Why You Should Participate?

By entering this competition, you have the chance to use your storytelling to change perceptions and raise awareness about labour migration. You’ll be part of a global movement advocating for the rights and dignity of migrant workers, while also gaining recognition for your journalistic efforts on an international platform.

How to Register?

Interested participants can register through this link.


The deadline is 31 October 2024.

Click here to view the official notification of the 10th Edition of the Global Media Competition on Labour Migration by ILO.

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