Participate in the WAVES Young Filmmakers Challenge. Register now for the challenge and win exciting prizes!

About the Challenge

The Young Filmmakers Challenge is an exciting opportunity for young creators aged between 12 to 19 years to dive into the world of filmmaking and unleash their creativity. It aims to foster innovation, storytelling skills, and digital literacy among young participants through a concise 60- second film format. As part of the World Audio-Visual Entertainment Summit (WAVES), this challenge aims to empower children and teens to explore their imagination through short films.

WAVES Young Filmmakers Challenge
WAVES Young Filmmakers Challenge


  • Inspire Creativity: Provide a fun and supportive platform for young filmmakers to express their creativity and originality through film.
  • Promote Storytelling: Encourage participants to develop engaging and imaginative stories that resonate with young audiences.
  • Build Confidence: Empower children and teens by giving them the opportunity to showcase their talent on a global stage.
  • Celebrate Diversity: Celebrate the diverse perspectives and narratives that young filmmakers bring to the screen.

Judgement Criteria

  • Creativity: How inventive and imaginative is the storytelling approach?
  • Appeal: How well does the film connect with and engage its young audience?
  • Clarity of Message: How effectively does the film communicate its theme or story in a short timeframe?
  • Overall Impact: What emotional or entertainment value does the film provide to viewers?
  • Jury: A panel of judges comprising industry professionals, educators, and summit organizers will evaluate all entries.

Competition Categories

  • Junior Group- (12-15 years)
  • Senior Group (16-19 years)

Guidelines for Participants

  • Theme: Participants can create content around the theme “Technology & Humanity” or its variations like “The Humanity of Technology” or “The Technology of Humanity”, allowing their imagination to soar.
  • Language: Films can be in any language.
  • Duration: Films must not exceed 60 seconds (including credits).
  • Each participant or team (up to 4 members) can submit upto 3 entries.
  • Technology: Films can be shot using any equipment available (e.g., smartphones, cameras). Creativity is more important than technical sophistication.
  • Submission will be through a link where the video is uploaded on any online platform with public access (YouTube/GDrive/OneDrive/Vimeo, etc).
  • Submission should include the film file, a brief synopsis (50-100 words), and participant information (name, age, contact details).


  • The challenge will progress from September 2024 through December 2024
  • The first round will entail participants making their short films, emphasizing creativity and teamwork.
  • The top 15 shortlisted participants from each category will be given an opportunity to reshoot their film with better equipment and submit it for the final jury round by January.


  • Shortlisted films will be showcased during a dedicated session at the summit, where winners will be announced.
  • Winners in each age category will receive complimentary travel & stay at WAVES
  • Winners will receive recognition, mentorship opportunities, scholarship opportunities for higher education, access to online filmmaking courses and certificates of achievement.
  • All participants will receive feedback to support their growth as young filmmakers.

How to Register?

Interested participants can register through this link.

Click here to view the official notification of the WAVES Young Filmmakers Challenge.

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