NCERT has launched Promotion of Research Attitude in Young And Aspiring Students (PRAYAAS) 2024-25. The deadline is August 25, 2024.


The young mind of a learner is full of curiosity and imagination. The innate characteristic of inquisitiveness is important for a learner to understand the concepts better and apply them in real life situations for solving problems. The creative skills of children can be used in developing solutions to the societal challenges. They need to be given an opportunity to address societal problems and also for creating new knowledge domains. National Education Policy 2020 emphasizes on the need to encourage original thinking in the students and make India a global knowledge superpower and generate new avenues of employment. To nurture the young innovative minds, Promotion of Research Attitude in Young And Aspiring Students (PRAYAAS), 2024-25 scheme is planned by the Department of Education in Science and Mathematics (DESM), NCERT for school students.

Promotion of Research Attitude in Young And Aspiring Students (PRAYAAS) 2024-25 by NCERT
Promotion of Research Attitude in Young And Aspiring Students (PRAYAAS) 2024-25 by NCERT

Areas Covered

PRAYAAS 2024-25 invites project proposals for carrying out research/ investigation on an original Scientificidea such as;

  • Identify and study a local problem
  • Investigate a scientific reason behind a local problem
  • Attempt to find a scientific solution to any problem.
  • Work on any idea/imaginations/conceptions that intends to generate scientific knowledge


The eligibility criteria for participation in this programme are:

For Students

  • The student(s) must be studying in class IX to XI.
  • Students from all schools are eligible to participate in PRAYAAS.
  • Single student or a group of maximum two students, along with a teacher at their school, and an expert from any HEI should submit a proposal.
  • Only one entry per school will be considered. If a school sent more than one entry, all entries will then be rejected.

For Teachers

A qualified Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) /Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) or equivalent who is teaching Science/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics and Biology to classes 9 to 12, are eligible to become a “PRAYAAS” Guide Teacher under the scheme.

For Expert from an HEI/ Technical Institute

Experts from any discipline of science and technology serving in an HEI (listed in Annexure-I (Part A-Sr. No. 4) are eligible to be a PRAYAAS expert.

Project Tenure

The Project tenure is for one year from the date of commencement of the project in school to completion. Tentative date of tenure will start from 15 September 2024 to 15 September 2025 for PRAYAAS 2024-25. Heads of Schools and HEIs for the selected projects are expected
to facilitate the project work during the tenure and ensure completion of the project by the end of the tenure. The research work done by the school students will be uploaded on the NCERT web-site.

Research Grant

A grant of total Rs. 50,000/- (Rupee Fifty Thousand only) will be given for each selected research proposal. Out of this amount, Rs. 10,000/- will be provided to the student (Rs. 5,000 each in case of two students) and Rs. 20,000 each will be given to the School and HEI expert as catalytic grant to facilitate the students in conducting the research.


  • Date of Announcement: 25 July 2024
  • Last date of submission of application: 25 August 2024
  • Screening of applications: 31 August 2024
  • Deadline for Jury and selection of project proposal: 05 September 2024
  • Announcement of results: 10 September 2024
  • Commencement of Project: 15 September 2024
  • Progress Report (four months after the date of commencement of the project) Completion of project: 14 September 2025
  • Report Submission: 20 September 2025

Applications received after the last date will not be considered.

How to Register?

The applicants are required to send their application and project proposal to this email id- prayaasncert[at]gmail[dot]com.


The last date of submission of application is 25 August 2024.

Click here to view the official notification of Promotion of Research Attitude in Young And Aspiring Students (PRAYAAS) 2024-25 by NCERT.

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