This is a school photo essay submitted by Keerti Sheoran, a class 10 student of Sri Venkateshwar International School, New Delhi, and an Emerging Leader.

This photograph captures a moment of triumph at our school’s annual Science Steam Expo. Here, I stand alongside my teammate and classmate, Tiya, the culmination of countless hours and shared dedication evident in our beaming faces. The backdrop showcases our brainchildβ€”a meticulously crafted Hydroelectricity Generator project.

In the days leading up to the expo, Tiya and I became a dynamic duo, meeting at each other’s houses, fueled by enthusiasm and armed with research materials. The journey was as educational as the destination, as we delved into the intricate details of hydroelectricity generation. The expo day itself was a showcase of our hard work and a testament to the power of teamwork and determination.

This image captures not just the end result of our labour but also the countless memories we forged in the process. The Science Steam Expo became a platform not only for showcasing our project but also for imbibing valuable lessons, turning what could have been a daunting task into an insightful and enjoyable experience.

In this captivating snapshot, I find myself, adorned in a crisp white kurta and a vibrant saffron dupatta, Surrounding me are my lively schoolmates, all proudly representing Sri Venkateshwar International School at the inter-school Geeta Shloka chanting competition hosted by Chinmaya Vidyalaya. Sharing the frame with us is our ever-gracious guide, Rachna Mam.

As the captain of Sanskrit, watching my juniors passionately recite Sanskrit shlokas filled me with immense pride. As we entered, the prefects extended a warm welcome, setting the tone for a day filled with camaraderie and competition. The air was charged with positive energy, and the atmosphere held a serenity that added to the spiritual nature of the event. Amidst the friendly banter and laughter, we felt a deep sense of connection with each other and the shared purpose of the competition. The Geeta Shloka chanting competition turned out to be not just a challenge but a memorable and fun experience, leaving us with a treasury of good vibes.

The auditorium buzzes with creative energy as my friends sit draped in a vibrant red dupatta, immersed in the world of Nukkad Natak. Surrounding me, friends find their positions, ready to enact a play that mirrors the struggles of students in choosing their career paths. The theme resonates with the audience, shedding light on the pressures parents often exert on their children.

In this candid snapshot, my mentor and theatre guide, Ms. Monika Toor, directs us with passion and purpose. The image encapsulates one of many intense practice sessions leading up to the performance. Laughter and shared experiences fill the air, creating a bond that goes beyond the stage lights. This is not just a picture; it’s a memory of the collaborative efforts, the laughter, and the applause that echoed in the auditorium, making Nukkad Natak an unforgettable chapter of our school life.

A simple day turned extraordinary – there I am, holding a silver medal and a certificate in my classroom. The news of winning the International Hindi Olympiad reached me, and the joy was palpable. My class teacher, beaming with pride, couldn’t resist capturing the moment. It was a testament to hard work and dedication, especially since Hindi is my additional subject. The applause from classmates and the excitement in the room made it a proud moment for everyone, leaving me with a memory to cherish.

Here’s me, behind a table, managing a newspaper collection drive at school. Volunteering has a special place in my heart, and this event was no exception. I had taken on the responsibility of being the ambassador for a paper collection drive, aiming not just for the thrill of a Guinness World Record but also to contribute meaningfully to environmental sustainability. This wasn’t just about numbers; it was a collective effort within the school community to recycle paper and make a positive impact. As the ambassador, I led the charge, working with fellow volunteers to ensure the success of the campaign. We smashed the record, collecting over 4,75,000+ kg of newspapers. I even contributed 11 kg myself and rallied others to do the same. Leading the charge with my fellow volunteers, we made a real impact on environmental sustainability. The sense of achievement was palpable, and the joy of being part of a successful initiative for responsible citizenship was truly rewarding. The snapshot encapsulates a moment of shared effort, environmental consciousness, and the fulfilment that comes from making a positive impact in the community.

In this captivating image, I find myself seated on the ground, fully immersed in the delightful task of colouring fonts and spelling out the word “FORESTS.” The setting is an art exhibition hosted at the College of Art, a place that unfolded a world of creativity and expression. Surrounded by my schoolmates, each of us brought our unique flair to the task at hand.

The exhibition, a showcase of breathtaking artworks, offered a rare opportunity for us to unleash our artistic instincts. The teachers at the college generously granted us the freedom to design the fonts according to our imagination. After careful consideration, we collectively decided on a theme that celebrated the beauty of forests during different seasons.

As we worked on our artistic endeavour, the atmosphere buzzed with creative energy. The artworks around us were meticulously crafted, each piece telling a story of its own. This day at the College of Art emerged as a standout moment in my school life, a highlight that encapsulated the joy of artistic expression, camaraderie among friends, and the sheer pleasure of immersing oneself in the world of creativity.

Here’s a snapshot frozen in time from the Appreciation Day at our school, capturing a moment filled with pride and achievement. The stage is set in our auditorium, where I stand, honoured to receive a trophy and certificate from the director and our esteemed principal. The atmosphere is charged with a sense of celebration and recognition of talents.

Dressed for the occasion, I respectfully approach the stage, extending a warm wish to our principal before receiving the award. The director, a figure of authority, hands over the trophy and certificate, symbolizing acknowledgement of my efforts and accomplishments. In the midst of this proud moment, I pose with both hands clasped around the award, ensuring to make the moment is timeless for the photographer capturing the scene.

As the flashbulbs illuminate the auditorium, my parents, beaming with pride, seize the opportunity to capture this milestone in my academic journey. Their cameras click away, preserving the pride and joy of a significant achievement. This image encapsulates not only the personal sense of accomplishment but also the shared pride felt by my parents, making it a cherished memory etched in time.

In this heartwarming snapshot, we capture the essence of Teacher’s Day on September 5th, a day dedicated to honoring our educators. The picture paints a scene of camaraderie and joy as my chemistry and Hindi teachers, along with my classmates and me, gather around a table adorned with a celebratory cake.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, we all wear smiles that stretch from ear to ear, a testament to the happiness of the moment. Regrettably, our class teacher couldn’t join us that day, but we made sure to extend the celebration to include her in spirit.

I proudly took the responsibility of bringing the cake to school, a delectable chocolate creation worth 2100 rupees. The cost was shared among us, with each contributing 100 rupees. The cake, a divine indulgence, left a lasting impression, even prompting inquiries from my English teacher about its origin.

Not stopping at just the cake, we collectively pitched in for a bouquet of flowers to add a touch of elegance to the celebration. Everyone contributed equally, emphasizing the shared effort that made the day memorable.

As we enjoyed the cake and floral arrangements, the classroom echoed with songs and laughter. It was a day filled with gratitude, appreciation, and the joy of togetherness, creating lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come.

This cherished photograph captures a memorable day at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, where I stand alongside my father. The occasion was the Open House 2023, a day dedicated to unveiling the remarkable research, student projects, and cutting-edge facilities housed within the prestigious institution.

Eager and excited, I embarked on this journey to one of India’s premier universities. Although the visit was primarily intended for select outstanding students, my enthusiasm led me to take matters into my own hands. Despite being in my school uniform, I independently registered as a visitor, ensuring that I wouldn’t miss out on this unique opportunity.

The day unfolded with a series of engaging activities. I eagerly participated in quizzes, ultimately clinching a victory that earned me a diary and a delectable chocolate. Wandering through the stalls hosted by IIT students, I immersed myself in discussions about their innovative projects, gaining insights into the fascinating world of research and development.

Exploring the science labs of biology and chemistry, I found myself engrossed in fun experiments, adding an interactive dimension to my visit. The experience was truly one in a million, offering a glimpse into the academic excellence and collaborative spirit that defines IIT Delhi.

As I reflect on that day, I can’t help but wish for another opportunity to revisit the institution that left an indelible mark on my curiosity and aspirations. The Open House at IIT Delhi became a unique chapter in my academic journey, fueling my passion for science and innovation.

This poignant image encapsulates the grand finale of our annual cultural extravaganza, aptly named “High School Musical” as proclaimed on the stage board in the auditorium. The vibrant tableau showcases the culmination of weeks of dedication, practice, and collaborative effort

The stage, adorned with a diverse array of colourful figures, becomes the focal point of this captivating moment. Positioned at the right side of the stage, I stand proudly in my red overalls, a distinctive ensemble that mirrors the uniqueness of each participant.

As the curtain falls on a spectacular performance, a wave of liberation sweeps over every participant. With elation and a shared sense of accomplishment, we return to the stage, finally free to wave and smile at our parents. In the audience, parents search for their children amidst the sea of uniquely dressed performers, their faces alight with joy as they spot their loved ones.

It’s worth noting that this High School Musical was a student-led initiative, with students taking charge of organization and choreography, supported by our dedicated teachers. This collaborative effort added an extra layer of significance to the event, making it more than just a performanceβ€”it became a testament to our teamwork and creativity.

The play’s narrative, centered around a girl named Carrie, resonates with themes of resilience and empowerment. As she confronts bullying and discovers her exceptional talent for dancing, the story unfolds with emotional depth and a triumphant ending. This annual day, transformed into a musical extravaganza, remains etched in our memories as a truly unforgettable and meaningful experience.

In this captivating image, the spotlight is on me and my teammates as I stand on stage at Bal Bhavan School, poised to receive an award during an inter-school art competition. The chief guest, a distinguished figure, hands over the recognition, marking a moment of achievement and celebration.

The occasion holds special significance for my school as we were honoured with the Rolling Trophy for garnering the most awards across various categories. As a testament to our collective talent and dedication, representatives from my school, including me, took to the stage to receive our respective competition awards.

My team and I proudly secured third place among the numerous participating schools, adding an extra layer of accomplishment to the event. The joy and pride of this achievement were not only felt personally but were also broadcasted on the school’s Facebook page, amplifying the recognition and sense of accomplishment.

This image encapsulates a proud moment not just for me but for my entire school community, underscoring my commitment to excellence in the field of arts. The stage, the chief guest, and the shining trophy symbolize the culmination of hard work, artistic expression, and the thrill of competition that makes such events truly memorable.

Amidst the hum of a regular math class, this photo unfolds the essence of our academic journey. I find myself comfortably seated in the third row, surrounded by the familiar faces of my classmates. The backdrop reveals our class teacher and math guru, casually standing at the back, overseeing the day’s math activity.

The everyday scenes of collaborative problem-solving and the shared journey in understanding mathematics make this class photo a simple yet significant part of our academic adventures.

This delightful image captures a moment of camaraderie and cultural exchange as my classmates and I stand proudly in front of our class, each holding unique props in hand. The board behind us proudly declares the theme of the day: “Show ‘n’ Tell,” a social science activity designed to bring the rich diversity of Indian states to life.

In my hands, I cradle two exquisite lac bangles from the vibrant state of Rajasthan, specifically Jaipur. Each of my friends holds treasures from their respective states, creating a colorful tableau of Saris, dupattas, tea, handicrafts, and sculptures. It’s a visual feast that showcases the cultural tapestry of our country.

The activity, beyond being informative, is a testament to the creativity and thoughtfulness of our social science teacher. By infusing such interactive and hands-on experiences into the curriculum, our teacher makes the subject come alive, fostering a love for learning. This particular “Show ‘n’ Tell” activity not only educates us about the specialities of various states but also serves as a nostalgic reminder of simpler times.

As we share anecdotes and information about our chosen items, the classroom buzzes with enthusiasm. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of unity and appreciation for the diverse heritage that makes India so unique. This image encapsulates not just a class activity but a cherished memory of how education can be made engaging and fun, fostering a deeper connection to our roots and creating lasting bonds among classmates.

In this captivating image, the backdrop is our English classroom, where my two friends, Yashita and Shranya, and I stand adorned in costumes, ready to bring to life the world of William Shakespeare. Our English class embarked on an exciting activity of enacting plays by the legendary playwright, and our chosen masterpiece was none other than “King Lear.”

As the protagonist, I took on the role of King Lear, donning a yellow paper crown meticulously crafted by my own hands. Positioned in front of me, Yashita and Shranya portrayed Goneril and Regan, respectively. Together, we aimed to capture the essence of a pivotal scene where King Lear divides his kingdom among his daughters. This moment, laden with themes of deceit and betrayal, is a testament to Shakespeare’s genius.

Our choice of enacting the scene where Goneril and Regan cunningly manipulate their father through sweet words, while Cordelia, the youngest daughter, remains silent out of genuine love, allowed us to explore the intricate dynamics within the play. The heartbreaking misunderstanding between Lear and Cordelia, leading to her banishment, served as a poignant highlight of our enactment.
The effort and creativity put into our performance didn’t go unnoticed. Our English teacher showered us with praise, and to our delight, I was selected to represent our class in the final round. In the subsequent round, I took on the challenge of enacting another Shakespearean classic – “Macbeth,” adding another layer of accomplishment to this memorable journey of theatrical exploration within the confines of our English classroom.

Image taken from Canva.