Applications are invited for the Student Scholarships by The AutoEthnographer. Apply by July 1, and win exciting prizes!

What is Autoethnography?

Autoethnography is a qualitative research method that utilizes lived experience as evidence with which to explore cultural phenomena. It is often described as a hybrid form of ethnography & autobiography in that autoethnographers use lived experience to explore cultural issues. Autoethnography then can be a purposeful short story, a video monologue, a gallery of images, a quilt, a song, a poem, a dinner menu, artwork, and even a live performance when such expressions also celebrate or investigate cultural experiences. We recommend the following article as a user-friendly primer on the basics of autoethnography:

About the Opportunity

As part of its nonprofit mission to support developing authors and artists of all ages from around the world,Β The AutoEthnographerΒ is excited to announce its 1st annual student scholarships competition.Β 

Purpose of the Scholarship

To recognise outstanding works of literary and artistic autoethnography by creatives anywhere in the world who identify as active students at any age or level; to diversify digital content atΒ The AutoEthnographerΒ by providing opportunities for guest editors and new magazine features; and to promote autoethnographic creativity in the literary and arts communities.

Who Can Enter?

Works must be nominated by an instructor, professor, tutor, or other educator; the author/artist must have been an enrolled student in the 2022-2023 school year. Submissions should be accompanied by the nominator’s letter establishing their rationale for nomination in light of the quality of the submission as well as the potential for the student to actively contribute to the magazine’s editorial processes. Work that has been previously published atΒ The AutoEthnographeror elsewhere is not eligible.Β 

Entry Fee

There is no entry fee for this scholarship competition.

Requirements for Submission

File 1: nominating letter and author bio. File 2: submission and author’s or artist’s memo.


The international editorial board ofΒ The AutoEthnographerΒ will adjudicate this competition.


The prize consists of two $250 USD (Rs. 20k+) cash prizes paid via PayPal; publication in the digital version ofΒ The AutoEthnographer; publication in the print anthology ofΒ The AutoEthnographer; participation in the magazine podcast; the opportunity to join their Editorial Board for 6 months; and the opportunity to develop a column/feature at the magazine.Β 

*Additionally, applicants who are not awarded the cash prize may still be invited to publish their submissions ($25 USD payment, which is Rs. 2k); participate in the magazine podcast; and/or have their work published in the biennial print edition.


A. Writing (fiction, nonfiction, flash, essays, poetry, lyrics), B. Audio, visual, performance, artistic, multimodal.

How to Apply?

To apply for this scholarship, click here.


July 1, 2023.

Award Date

October 1, 2023.

Click here to read the official guidelines of the Student Scholarships by The AutoEthnographer [Total Prizes of Rs. 40k+].

Image taken from here.