Registrations are invited for the Biogenesis International Biomedicine Olympiad 2023. Register by September 30, 2023, and win exciting prizes!

About Biogenesis

Biogenesis is an international biomedicine olympiad that had its first edition in 2022. It was held online due to the COVID-19 scenario.

High school students from all over the world are encouraged to participate. The competition also has an open category in which individuals of any educational level are able to join.

How to Register?

To register for the olympiad, click here.

Reasons to Join

  • International Competition: Compete for titles with students from all over the world.
  • Free Competition: There are no registration costs. Biogenesis is designed to be as accessible as possible to all students.
  • Expand Your Knowledge: Biogenesis is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the Biomedical Sciences.
  • Available in 3 Languages: You can take the exam in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Click here to read the official notification of the Biogenesis International Biomedicine Olympiad 2023 [Free Participation].

Image taken from here.