Applications are invited for Paid Internship Programme 2024 by Azim Premji University. The last date of application is December 20, 2023.
About the University
Azim Premji University is an Indian non-profit private university, located in Bengaluru, Karnataka. It was established by the Azim Premji University Act and recognised by the University Grants Commission under Section 2F.
Internship Details
Azim Premji University is inviting young aspiring individuals (up toΒ 25Β years) to intern for Mountains of Life festival. Selected interns will be eligible for aΒ one-month paid internshipΒ programme.
They are invite young aspiring individuals (up toΒ 25Β years) to apply to this internship call for Mountains of Life, the third in our nature and climate awareness series (afterΒ Rivers of LifeΒ andΒ Forests of Life). An initiative of Azim Premji University, this is aΒ festival that celebrates these ancient landforms, and the many stories they holdΒ within.

They are inviting ideas of documenting stories through photographs, animation, videos and public installations. Submissions should include aΒ 300-word storylineΒ and aΒ 1βminute videoΒ (maximum file size for the video isΒ 30Β MB) with the content as specified below based on the themesΒ below:
- Mountains as GeologicalΒ Processes.
- Flagship Species andΒ Mountains.
- Living in theΒ Mountains.
- Fragility of MountainΒ Landscapes.
Selection Process
Prospective interns are invited to be aΒ part of our Mountains of Life journey. They encourage you to present narratives and stories of biodiversity, people and their cultural affiliations, and the fragility of mountainΒ landscapes.
Shortlisted interns will be invited for aΒ subsequent interview, based on the storyline and attached portfolio they submit. Final selected interns will be mentored, attend curated workshops, and will be encouraged to further develop their storyline over the course of the internship. Final submissions will be curated for the festival planned in NovemberΒ 2024.
Eligibility Criteria
- Interns should belong to/βbe working in areas near the hill/βmountain they areΒ documenting.Β
- This call is open to all individuals up toΒ 25Β years, including young workingΒ professionals.
- In special cases where entrants are underΒ 18Β years of age, they will require permission from aΒ parent or guardian. By entering the contest, entrants underΒ 18Β years of age indicate that they have obtained the permission of aΒ parent orΒ guardian.
- Selected interns should have the skills and equipment to document the stories in the format they choose. Selected interns will be expected to submit images and videos as per the guidelines givenΒ below.
- The internship will be forΒ 1Β month between the broader period ofΒ 1Β February toΒ 30Β AprilΒ 2024.
- Selected interns will be mentored throughout the internshipΒ period.
- All interns will receive aΒ stipend upon successful completion of theΒ internship.
How to Apply?
Interested participants can apply online via this link.
Application Deadline
The last date of application is December 20, 2023.
Email: mountainsoflife[at]azimpremjifoundation[dot]org