Registrations are invited for Film Appreciation Course in Delhi by Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. The last date of registration is September 20, 2023.

About FTII

The Film and Television Institute of India is a film institute under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of the Government of India and aided by the Central Government of India.

Course Details

Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune under its β€˜Centre For Open Learning (CFOL)’ program in association with Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi, announces Short Course in Film Appreciation (05 days) in New Delhi.

The course is an introduction to film appreciation, film history, film analysis and film production – fiction and documentary – from concept to final film.

The participants will be exposed to the history of cinema and the development of the cinematic language. They will be encouraged to analyze a few selected films and taken through the process of film making – fiction as well as documentary. There may also be specific sessions on the impact of cinema on society and the process of preserving film and film heritage. Finally, there will be an opportunity for the students to explore the avenues for further learning of the film craft.

Course Objectives

Enhance the participants understanding of cinema in all its dimensions including aesthetic, creative, communicative, industrial and commercial. The course will impart skills in contextualizing an audio visual work, grasping the impact of its diverse elements and understanding its import and impact on the society.


October 9-13, 2023.


10 am to 5 pm (1 to 2 pm will be lunch break).

Number of Seats



18 years & above as on 1st October 2023 (participants born on or before 30th September 2005).

Educational Qualification

HSC (12th pass). In exceptional cases, 10th pass may be considered.

Medium of Instructions

English and Hindi.


Triveni Auditorium, Triveni Kala Sangam, 205, Tansen Marg, Todermal Road Area, Mandi House, Delhi, 110001.

Course Fee

Rs 4,000/-

How to Register?

Interested participants can register online via this link.

Registration Deadline

The last date of registration is September 20, 2023.


Email: info[dot]cfol[at]ftii[dot]ac[dot]in

Click here to view the official notification for Film Appreciation Course in Delhi by Film and Television Institute of India, Pune.