Registrations are invited for 6th National Amity Quiz on Constitutional Law by Amity Law School, Lucknow. The last date of registration is September 20, 2024.

About Amity Law School

Amity University Lucknow Campus (AULC) is a constituent unit of Amity University, Uttar Pradesh & it was established in the year 2004 with the sole objective to impart research & innovation driven education in the region.

Competition Details

After the successful conduct of the 5th NatΡ–onal AQCL, AmΡ–ty Law School, AmΡ–ty UnΡ–versΡ–ty Uttar Pradesh,
Lucknow Campus presents, the 6th edΡ–tΡ–on of the NatΡ–onal AmΡ–ty QuΡ–z on ConstΡ–tutΡ–onal Law (AQCL) 2024 on 27th September, 2024.

The event wΡ–ll be conducted on a massΡ–ve scale, whΡ–ch may wΡ–tness vΡ–gorous and cut-throat competΡ–tΡ–on
among the students from dΡ–fferent programs Ρ–.e., 5 years LL.B., 3 years LL.B. other SocΡ–al ScΡ–ences (studyΡ–ng ConstΡ–tutΡ–onal Law) & school students (classes 11 & 12). ThΡ–s year the event wΡ–ll be conducted Ρ–n offlΡ–ne mode.

The agenda of organΡ–zΡ–ng thΡ–s quΡ–z competΡ–tΡ–on Ρ–s to celebrate the spΡ–rΡ–t of constΡ–tutΡ–onalΡ–sm and to Ρ–nstΡ–ll
advocates of the comΡ–ng generatΡ–on to have a feelΡ–ng of prΡ–de Ρ–n theΡ–r chosen professΡ–on and respect towards the country.

General Rules

  • A single participant entry is eligible.
  • There is no limit on the number of students.
  • Participants may not be replaced once they have registered.
  • Students must carry College ID cards, or a letter of approval signed by the HOI of their respective institutions.
  • The participants will not be allowed to use mobile or any other electronic instruments/gadgets.

Who can Participate?

  • Students pursuing 5-year Law Courses, 3-year Law Courses.
  • Under-graduate social science student (who have studied Constitutional Law).
  • School Students (classes 11 & 12) who are studying legal studies can participate in the competition.
  • Any number of students can participate from their institution.

Awards and Prizes

  • WINNER-Certificate and a cash prize of Rs.15,000/-
  • 1st RUNNERS UP-Certificate and a cash prize of Rs.11,000/-
  • 2nd RUNNERS UP-Certificate and a cash prize of Rs.5,100/-
  • 5 CONSOLATION PRIZES-Certificate and a Cash Prize of Rs.2,100/- (Each)

How to Register?

Interested participants can register online via this link.

Registration Deadline

The last date of registration is September 20, 2024.


Email: amitynationalquiz[at]gmail[dot]com

Click here to view the official notification of 6th National Amity Quiz on Constitutional Law by Amity Law School, Lucknow.