MoRTH and IRSC in collaboration with MyGov is inviting submissions for Poster Making Competition for Road Safety. The last date of submission is February 1.

About the Competition

As part of the National Road Safety Month 2025, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) and Indian Road Safety Campaign (IRSC) in collaboration with MyGov are excited to invite citizens to participate in a creative Poster Making Competition. The competition aims to raise awareness about road safety through vibrant, engaging, and informative visuals that highlight the importance of safe driving, pedestrian safety, and responsible road use.


Road Safety”. Participants are encouraged to create posters that convey key messages related to road safety, including but not limited to:

  • The importance of seatbelts, helmets, and other safety gear
  • Safe driving practices and the dangers of speeding or distracted driving
  • Pedestrian and cyclist safety
  • Educating the youth on traffic rules and safe road behavior
  • Good Samaritan Behaviour- Helping Road Accident Victims


The competition is open to all citizens of India.

Technical Parameters

  • Theme: “Road Safety”The poster should focus on promoting road safety awareness, highlighting key aspects such as safe driving, pedestrian safety, the importance of using seatbelts and helmets, educating the public about road safety rules and raising awareness about Good Samaritan.
  • Color Combination:
    a) Use bright, vibrant colors that immediately capture attention.
    b) Maintain a good contrast between background and text for legibility.
    c) While bold colors are encouraged, ensure they are balanced to prevent the design from becoming overwhelming or too busy.
  • Design Elements:
    a) Incorporate road safety-related symbols, such as traffic signs, vehicles, helmets, seatbelts, and pedestrian symbols.
    b) Text should be clear, large, and legible from a distance.
    c) Use visuals that align with the theme and reinforce the message of road safety.
  • Do’s:
    a) Ensure that the poster clearly communicates a road safety message.
    b) Use original artwork, whether digital or hand-drawn.
    c) Keep text minimal and focus on impactful phrases.
    d) Make use of clear fonts and appropriate size for readability.
    e) Ensure proper alignment, spacing, and margins to make the design look organized.
    f) Be creative and innovative in expressing the road safety message.
    g) Submit your entry in PDF format.
  • Don’t’s:
    a) Do not use plagiarized content or images that are not original.
    b) Avoid overly complex designs or excessive text that might distract from the main message.
    c) Do not use offensive, inappropriate, or controversial images or text.
    d) Do not clutter the poster with too many visual elements. Keep the design simple yet impactful.
    e) Avoid using small fonts or illegible handwriting.
    f) Do not submit multiple entries. Only one entry per participant will be considered.
    g) Do not use copyrighted images or graphics without proper authorization.

How to Submit?

Interested candidates can submit entries via this page.


Top 3 Participants shall be rewarded with prize money of INR 5,000/- each and shall receive ‘e-Certificate of Appreciation’ for their creative contribution to Road Safety.

Click here for the official notification of Poster Making Competition for Road Safety.