Participate in the Design Expressions Poster Competition by University of Moratuwa. Submit by November 17!

About the Competition

This year’s competition invites participants to explore the dynamic relationship between design and culture. Participants are encouraged to create posters that visually represent how cultural contexts shape design, and how design, in turn, influences and transforms cultural landscapes globally.


“Design and Culture: Intersections, Inspirations, and Impact

Key Areas to Explore

  • Society and Culture: Show how design reflects cultural values through fashion, architecture, or public spaces. Focus on how societal changes inspire design.
  • Vernacular Knowledge and Practice: Illustrate traditional crafts or architecture and their modern adaptations, preserving cultural roots in contemporary design.
  • Economy and Industries: Highlight design’s role in boosting industriesβ€”illustrate product packaging or how design symbolizes economic growth.
  • Design Pedagogy and Thinking: Visualize the creative process in design education, like brainstorming or prototyping, showing innovation in action.
  • Design Across Technologies: Explore how design integrates with new tech like AI or VR, illustrating user interactions with futuristic devices.
  • Circularity and Sustainability: Depict eco-friendly designβ€”think sustainable packaging or products designed for longevity in a circular economy.

Overall Goal

The goal of this year’s poster competition is to celebrate the rich intersection of design and culture. Participants are encouraged to explore how design influences and is influenced by cultural heritage, societal norms, and innovative technologies. Through visually compelling posters, participants will reflect on the theme of Design and Culture.

Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their creativity, design skills, and knowledge of Ceylon tea’s history, making this competition a meaningful and engaging experience for all.


  • The competition is open to students of local or international universities or academic institutes. We encourage entries from non-resident Sri Lankans and foreign students to take part.
  • 100% AI-generated posters are not eligible for submission. Students may create their posters either digitally or manually.


10 best visual expressions will be selected and displayed at the IDR Exhibition space. The jury will have the right to select, reject, or request modifications for the selected poster/s.


  • The winning 3 visual expressions will be acknowledged on the website and awarded a certificate.
  • The rest of the 10 selected winners will be ranked accordingly and acknowledged on the website. They will be awarded a certificate. 
  • All winners will be awarded with a certificate at the award ceremony of the IDR Annual Conference.
  • Digital certificates will be provided to participants from abroad.

Submission Specifications

You need to submit the Poster along with a brief write-up of around 100-150 words written in the English language.

  • Size of the final Poster: A2
  • Resolution: 300 dpi
  • File type: JPEG or PDF
  • Color Mode: CMYK

How to Name the Poster submission?

  • Name the file:Poster_(calling name), Sub logo_01_(calling name)etc. 
  • Example: Poster_(your name)
  • Write-up 
  • Format: in .word or PDF format
  • Write up about the design: Maximum 100-150 words and should be written in English language.
  • Name the file: Main write-up_(your name)

How to Submit?

Interested participants can submit through this link.


The deadline for submission is November 17, 2024.

Click here to view the official notification of the Design Expressions Poster Competition.

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