The Spanish Railways Foundation announces the 32nd ‘Caminos de Hierro’ photo contest with the aim of promoting creativity in the field of railways.

About the Contest

The Foundation has called the thirty-second edition of the contest in July 2024, whose deadline for admission of works will be open until October 31, 2024 . 

The contest is aimed at professional and amateur photographers, national and international, who may submit a maximum of three individual photographs or a photographic series related to the world of railways.

32nd Photo Contest Caminos de Hierro by Spanish Railways Foundation
32nd Photo Contest Caminos de Hierro by Spanish Railways Foundation

Submission Guidelines

  • Each contestant will submit a maximum of three individual photographs or a photographic series related to the world of railways. The photographs will be unpublished, they can only be presented by their own authors and they cannot have been manipulated using Artificial Intelligence . 
  • They will be sent until October 31, 2024 in digital format through the form on the website www[dot]caminosdehierro[dot]es (jpg. maximum 1.5 MB).

Judgement Criteria

  • The series will be made up of three, four or five photographs, assembled in a single file. A maximum of 150 works will be preselected. 
  • Once the authors have been informed of the preselection of their photographs, they must be sent in paper format to be eligible for selection and awards. Individual photographs may have a free image spot, on paper with a minimum format of 24×30 cm and a maximum of 40×60 cm. The total size of the series may not exceed 90×45 cm (horizontal or vertical) nor be less than 80×35 cm (horizontal or vertical).
  • Once the paper images are received, a maximum of 70 finalist photographs will be selected, which will be published in a catalog and will be exhibited in places that the Foundation deems of interest.
  • A category is created for railway-themed photographs, taken with a mobile phone and published on Instagram. Up to 3 individual photographs may be submitted in three different posts, in any of the formats supported by the social network.
  • They will have to be uploaded to the social network Instagram, with the hashtag #32CHPic and citing the account @fundacionferrocarriles , until October 31, 2024.
  • 20 finalists will be selected whose images will be exhibited in digital format.


The Foundation will appoint a committee to pre-select and select the photographs and a jury that will issue an unappealable ruling on the selected works. 


  • First Prize: Rs. 3.6L+ / €4,000
  • Second Prize: Rs. 1.8L+ / €2,000
  • Second Prize: Four of Rs. 36k / €400
  • Instagram Prize Rs. 72k / €800.
  • The final decision of the contest will take place in February 2025.


The competition is open to anyone.

How to Register?

Interested participants can register through this link.


31 October 2024

Click here to view the official notification of the 32nd Photo Contest Caminos de Hierro by Spanish Railways Foundation.

Image Source