Conversation with Mrs. Sonia Saxena conducted by Riddhi Saxena, a class 11 student of St. Joseph’s Convent Sr. Sec. School, and Emerging Leader at NoticeBard.

As an educator, I believe that creating a positive and inclusive school culture is crucial in teaching students to value and respect one another. We mustn’t view anyone as superior or inferior to ourselves based on their worth. Therefore, I take great care to ensure that my staff understands the importance of equality as a fundamental approach to treating students and parents. By promoting a culture of equality and respect, we can help our students develop the necessary humanitarian skills to treat everyone equally, regardless of their background or status.

Our school has set up WhatsApp groups for each class to facilitate communication between the parents and teachers. Furthermore, we organize quarterly meetings to keep the parents up-to-date with their student’s progress and weaknesses. In case of any doubts, parents can reach out to our teachers or the managing director through email or by visiting the school.

Every student can not be taught the same way, especially during their growth years when they have just started with their education. For these purposes, schools should try to take small batches of students at a time so that the teachers can devote their time to all the students. They can also convey these messages to the parents so they also have an idea of what type of a learner their child is.

At my pre-school, we implemented an initiative to make studying enjoyable for our students. We understand that the concept of making learning fun has been talked about frequently, but the students must remain engaged without getting distracted. To achieve this, our teachers use real-life examples, 3D modules, and thought-provoking “why” questions to stimulate and satisfy the curiosity of young minds. This approach has proven to be highly effective in promoting an enjoyable and enjoyable learning environment for our students.

As mentioned earlier, it is important to recognize that every student has a unique way of learning. Hence, assessing all of them equally is not practical or effective. However, to ensure that a large number of students are evaluated properly, written assessments are standardized. This also helps to ease the workload of teachers. Once the written assessments are completed, the viva sessions are conducted with each student. Here, the focus is on creating a personalized experience for each student that caters to their learning style. This ensures that students can showcase their knowledge and skills to the best of their ability during the viva.

In any educational system, the role of parents is crucial and irreplaceable, as they are the primary partners in their child’s learning journey. Parents provide invaluable support and assistance to their children at every stage of their academic progress, which has a significant impact on their overall success and development. Effective communication with parents is vital for fostering a collaborative and supportive educational environment that benefits the student. This communication can involve regular updates on a student’s progress, sharing information about the curriculum and learning objectives, and providing feedback on assignments and exams. In addition, parents can play an active role in their child’s education by attending parent-teacher conferences, volunteering in the classroom, and participating in school activities. By working together, parents and educators can create a positive and encouraging learning environment that supports the whole child, both academically and personally.

As an educator, I have come to realize that every child is different from the others, and this is not just a mere statement but a truth that holds significant weight. Over time, I have witnessed that with my unwavering commitment and a student’s determination, some of my pupils have transformed their entire outlook towards life. Thus, every educator needs to comprehend that each child has a unique potential, and all they need is a little guidance and motivation to uncover it.