Ayra Social is organising an Independence Day Writing Contest. The deadline for submission is August 10, 2024.

About the Contest

To commemorate India’s 77th Independence Day, Ayra is organizing a special writing contest. This contest invites participants from across the globe to share their reflections on India’s independence, its enduring legacy, and the essence of freedom in today’s world.

Independence Day Writing Contest by Ayra Social
Independence Day Writing Contest by Ayra Social

Why Participate?

  • Express Your Voice: Share your unique perspective on India’s journey to freedom and its relevance today.
  • Gain Recognition: The winning entries will be featured on Ayra’s platform, offering visibility to a wide audience.
  • Contribute to History: Your words could inspire future generations as they continue the dialogue on independence and freedom.

Submission Guidelines

  • Theme: The theme revolves around India’s independence, its legacy, and the current meaning of freedom.
  • Eligibility: 13+
  • Language: Submissions should be in English, Hindi, Kannada
  • Word Limit: Entries must be between 300 and 2,000 words.
  • Format: Submissions should be in a readable format, such as .doc, .docx, or PDF.
  • Deadline: The deadline for submission is August 10, 2024.


  • Article
  • Story
  • Poem

Word Limit

  • Article/Story: Entries must be between 300 and 2,000 words.
  • Poem: Minimum 40 Words


  • 1st Prize : Rs 4,000
  • 2nd Prize : Rs 2,000
  • 3rd Prize : Rs 1,000
  • Best Poetry : Rs 1,000
  • Best Original Fictional Story : Rs 1,000
  • Best Article on Indian History : Rs 1,000

Voting and Scoring

  • Audience Voting (40% Weightage): The number of unique reads, actual read time your post receives during this period will contribute to your Audience Score. Therefore, be sure to share the link to your article with family andfriends to maximize this score
  • Judging Criteria (60% Weightage): Articles will be judged based on quality, originality, language proficiency, and formatting. Each post can score up to 100 points (40 from audience votes, 60 from judges). If more than one post is submitted, the highest-scoring one will be considered for winning.

How to Register?

Interested participants can register through this link.


The deadline for submission is August 10, 2024.

Click here to view the official notification of the Independence Day Writing Contest by Ayra Social.

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