Conversation with Kunjal conducted by Keerti Sheoran, a class 10 student of Sri Venkateshwar International School, and Emerging Leader with us.

My passion for theatre began in childhood while watching series, marvelling at actors’ ability to portray diverse characters. The dream of performing on stage came true when I joined SVIS, providing a platform to enhance my talent. The allure of theatre lies in the transformative experience. On stage, I become someone else, sharing stories, emotions, and characters with the audience. Living in another’s shoes, delving into their world, and conveying their voice is what I love most.

The collaborative nature of theatre, the exploration of human nature, and the instant connection with the audience make each performance a dynamic and enriching experience. Theatre, for me, is a journey of storytelling, self-discovery, and the joy of bringing characters to life.

Becoming the Hindi captain of the school has been a deeply meaningful and cherished experience for me. The day I was informed of this honour remains one of the happiest in my life. My connection with the Hindi language has roots in my childhood, where my mother, with love and care, taught me Hindi by holding my hands. I am grateful to her for instilling in me a deep appreciation and love for our country’s language.

Being the Hindi captain is beyond words. It fills me with immense pride to represent and promote Hindi within the school community. Sometimes, I feel a sense of concern that not all juniors share the same enthusiasm for Hindi. However, I approach this with a positive mindset, hoping that, along with our teachers, I can be a guiding force to inspire them to appreciate and embrace the beauty of our language.

I consider my biggest personal accomplishment to be the unwavering commitment to not giving up. In a world where challenges are prevalent, maintaining focus on my goals and working towards them daily with a positive mindset has been my most significant achievement.

The journey of perseverance has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and the power of a positive outlook. Each day presents its own set of obstacles, but the decision to persist, learn, and grow from every experience has been the cornerstone of my accomplishments.

It’s not about the absence of difficulties but the continuous effort to overcome them that defines success for me. This mindset has enabled me to navigate through setbacks, stay motivated, and pursue my aspirations with vigour.

In the end, the ability to cultivate resilience and keep moving forward despite challenges is, in my view, the greatest personal achievement. It speaks to an enduring spirit that strives for progress and embraces the journey, recognizing that step taken.

The path to success often involves overcoming obstacles and learning from every aspect. If granted a superpower, I would choose to have a heightened sense of justice, the ability to discern truth from falsehood, and the power to detect lies. This desire originated in my childhood when, in the fourth grade, I was tasked with writing an essay on my preferred superpower, and my answer remained unchanged.

The ability to accurately assess the honesty of someone’s words would serve as a powerful tool for ensuring justice and fairness. It goes beyond mere lie detection; it involves truly understanding the essence of what is being communicated and discerning the authenticity of a person’s intentions.

In practical terms, this superpower could be utilized to unveil deceit in various situations, thereby preventing harm and injustice. Whether it’s deciphering the truth in personal interactions, exposing dishonesty in professional settings, or even unveiling concealed motives in larger societal contexts, the power to detect lies could be a force for good.

Imagine a world where individuals with malicious intentions are unable to deceive others, and where trust is built on transparency and authenticity. This superpower, if possible, could contribute to creating a more honest and just society, saving lives from falling victim to falsehoods and deceit.

While the idea may seem fantastical, the underlying principle reflects a desire for truth, justice, and the well-being of others. If such a superpower existed, I would aspire to use it to promote honesty, integrity, and fairness, contributing to a world where truth prevails and justice is upheld.

Having participated in a workshop during eighth grade, I gained valuable insights into effective speaking and debating skills. My advice to individuals looking to enhance these skills is rooted in that experience.

Begin with a strong and confident start. Capture your audience’s attention right from the beginning to make them engaged and interested in what you have to say. Avoid relying too heavily on notes or sheets, as it may give the impression that you are not speaking from your genuine thoughts. It’s essential to foster independence in your speech and be able to articulate your ideas without constant reference.

When defending a topic, speak with authenticity and share your true feelings. Connecting with the audience on a personal level can make your arguments more compelling and memorable. Expressing your genuine beliefs adds sincerity to your words.

Maintain consistent eye contact throughout your speech. It conveys confidence, establishes a connection with your audience, and signifies your authority on the subject. Confidence, in general, is a crucial element. Even if you don’t feel entirely confident, projecting confidence in your demeanour can significantly impact how your message is received.

In summary, my advice for improving speaking and debating skills is to start with confidence, speak authentically, maintain eye contact, and gradually build independence from written notes. These practices will not only enhance your communication skills but also make your speeches more compelling and impactful.

One noteworthy aspect of my school journey is the event “CHESS WARS” that my team and I have been organizing for two years. The opportunity to spearhead and execute such an event was surprising and exciting, as it showcased our school’s trust in our creativity and organizational skills

Organizing CHESS WARS provided me with a wonderful opportunity to interact with my juniors, fostering a sense of community within the school. It also allowed me to deepen my understanding of the game and appreciate the talents of young chess enthusiasts. Witnessing the skill and passion of these children, even at such a young age, was truly inspiring.

The event not only contributed to the promotion of chess within the school but also created a platform for young talents to showcase their abilities. It highlighted the importance of fostering a supportive environment where students can explore and excel in their interests.

This experience has fueled my aspirations to continue creating opportunities for students to engage with their passions and showcase their talents. It’s a testament to the power of collaboration, creativity, and the positive impact that student-led initiatives can have within the school community. I look forward to continuing to contribute to such endeavours and making a meaningful impact on the school environment.

Image taken from Canva.