Submissions are invited for 9th Annual Student Review Contest 2023 by The New York Times. The last date of submission is December 6, 2023.

About NY Times

The New York Times Company is an American mass media company that publishes The New York Times newspaper. Their headquarters are located in Manhattan, New York City.

Contest Details

Do you like sharing your opinion with others? Do you have strong reactions to books, movies, restaurants or fashion? Are you a foodie or a gamer? A music buff or a theater aficionado?

If so, this contest is for you. They invite you to play critic and write an original review for our Ninth Annual Student Review Contest.

What can you choose to review? Anything that fits into a category of creative expression that The New York Times covers from architecture to music.

And new this year: Whatever you choose to review must have debuted in2023. That means not that you watched a movie, read a book or heard an album for the first time this year, but that the work premiered in 2023.

Contest Rules

  • The contest is open to students ages 13 to 19 in middle or high school anywhere in the world.
  • Each participant can submit one original review of 450 words or fewer.
  • Whatever you choose to review, it should be new this year and you should experience it yourself.
  • The work should be fundamentally your own β€” it should not be plagiarized, written by someone else or generated by artificial intelligence.
  • Your essay should also be original for this contest, meaning, it should not already be published at the time of submission, whether in a school newspaper, for another contest or anywhere else.


Having your work published on The Learning Network.

How to Submit?

Interested students can submit online via this link.

Submission Deadline

The last date of submission is December 6, 2023.


Email: LNFeedback[at]nytimes[dot]com

Click here to view the official notification of 9th Annual Student Review Contest 2023 by The New York Times.