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Space Art Competition by Space Technology Students Society, IIT Kharagpur [Cash Prizes of Rs. 6k]: Submit by Sep 30

Space Art Competition

Space Art Competition

Space Technology Students Society (spAts) under Kalpana Chawla Space Technology Cell, IIT Kharagpur is organizing a Space Art Competition in online mode.

Space Technology Students’ Society, or spAts, is the official student body under Kalpana Chawla Space Technology Cell, IIT Kharagpur. Established in 2008 by a small group of young and ambitious undergraduate students, spAts had humble beginnings.

A small club founded as a congregation of students with a common interest called space, spAts started as an ordinary student-run society with big ambitions.

The National Students’ Space Challenge (NSSC) is the centrepiece of spAts. As the name suggests, NSSC is a national-level fest dedicated solely to space and space technology.

Mankind has been creating and appreciating art since its very beginnings. Whether it’s an ancient cave painting, the work of the famed Old Masters of the Renaissance, or at the cutting edge of Modern Art, art has the capacity to capture a moment in time and stir up emotions. National Students’ Space Challenge 2023 is providing you with this opportunity through the Space Art competition, where you can share your stories and interpretations of this year’s theme in the form of art.

This is an individual event that is open to school and college students.

The winner will get a cash prize of Rs. 6,000.

The top 5 participants will be awarded a Certificate of Excellence for the event. The winning entries will also be released from the NSSC Facebook page.

Interested ones can register and submit their entries via this link.

September 30, 2023.

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