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CREST Cyber Olympiad for Students in Classes 1 to 10 [Exciting Prizes]: Register Now!

CREST Cyber Olympiad for Students in Classes 1 to 10

CREST Cyber Olympiad for Students in Classes 1 to 10

Registrations are invited for CREST Cyber Olympiad for Students in Classes 1 to 10. The exam will be conducted in both online and offline mode.

The Centre for Research and Exams in Science and Technology (CREST) is established by some of the prominent names in the education industry. This initiative aims to assess the practical knowledge that would help students to apply their learning in different areas and excel in the same.

The CREST Cyber Olympiad (CCO) is an international competitive exam held online for students in classes 1-10. There will be only one level for all the classes. The exam is an objective-type test that the students need to complete in 60 minutes.

The exam consists of two sections:

Other Important Information:

CREST Cyber Olympiad is globally recognized by students. The Olympiad not just tests students’ understanding of Cyber concepts but the application of those concepts as well. Through the CREST Cyber Olympiad exam, students are able to easily analyze their performance at the zonal and international levels.

Online and Offline.

Individually and through schools.

60 minutes.

The list of basic requirements for appearing in the Computer Olympiad is as follows:

11th and 23rd January, 2024.

The exam fee is INR 225 for students studying and enrolling from India. 

Awards worth USD 530,000 are kept for the achievers. There are prizes for 50% of the students with top scores. CREST Olympiads recognize students with Merit Certificates, Trophies, Medals, ‘Honorable mention’ Digital Certificates, etc. for their top performance in the examination. Each participant is also given a digital participation certificate.

Interested students can apply online via this link.

Email: info[at]crestolympiads[dot]com

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