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The 14th National Biennial Competition for Green Grassroots unaided Technological Innovations, Ideas & Outstanding Traditional Knowledge by NIF- India: Submit Entries by March 31!

The 14th National Biennial Competition

The 14th National Biennial Competition

NIF India is organising The 14th National Biennial Competition for Green Grassroots unaided Technological Innovations, Ideas & Outstanding Traditional Knowledge. The last date of submission is March 31.

NIF invites entries of unaided technological innovations and traditional knowledge developed at grassroots by an individual (Citizen of India) or group for possible incubation support including validation, value addition, protection of IPR, dissemination, etc The innovations can be in the field of agriculture, health, energy, household or utility, transportation, livestock etc. leading to the reduction in drudgery, livelihood generation, development of plant varieties or herbal remedies for human/ animal/ farming problems, or any other low cost sustainable green technologies.

These should be unaided/ unsupervised and an outcome of one’s own creativity, without any technical support from external agencies. Creative ideas for innovative technologies/ techniques solving persistence problems of society, which may not have been developed into prototypes, may also be submitted.

Eligibility for support such as validation, value addition, protection of IPR, dissemination, etc.
Uneducated or school dropoutEligible
School students (up to class 12) or those out of school and up to 17-18 years of age)Eligible
ITI/ Polytechnic diploma students or Diploma holdersEligible
Individual innovators with no professional/ technical training or science/ technology related educationEligible
Individuals affiliated with any formal institution and without duties related to Scientific, Technological (S&T)/ Technical or Research and Development (R&D) related workEligible
Retired individual innovators with no science/ technology related education and without professional experience of S&T/ R&D activitiesEligible
Students enrolled in professional courses like engineering, medical, pharmacy, etc., and professional graduates/ postgraduatesIneligible
Individuals affiliated with any formal institution and engaged in Scientific, Technological/ Technical or Research and Development related workIneligible
Self-employed well qualified individuals, Professional freelancersIneligible
Retired persons with professional Scientific, Technological/ Technical or Research and Development related work experienceIneligible

The nominations received will be scrutinised for the eligibility criteria and completeness of information. Those ineligible will be intimated. Those eligible but with incomplete information will be asked to provide complete technical details with photos and videos, wherever available.

All eligible and complete nominations will be reviewed for degree of novelty. Those, which are found to lack novelty or common will not be taken forward and the concerned innovator will be intimated. Only novel/ unique (at least in certain aspects) innovation nominations will be taken forward for validation, user feedback, IPRs protection, etc.

The eligible Individuals or groups may send as many entries by mail ( or on the address given below:

National Innovation Foundation – India
Grambharti, Amrapur, Gandhinagar-Mahudi Road,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat- 382650

The last date of receiving entries is march 31, 2025.

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