Submissions are invited for an Essay Contest by Competition Success Review Magazine. The deadline for submission is March 10, 2025!
Competition Success Review (CSR) started with a mission to help the Youth of India to succeed in all competitive spheres irrespective of their economic background. It is a monthly publication in India aimed primarily at students preparing for Civil service, MBA and other competitive exams and was first published in 1964 as a pull-out supplement.
In a highly competitive world, CSR provides the means to make the ordinary youth an extraordinary person. We try to ignite the spark in ambitious minds. That the youth in the country, regular and committed subscribers to CSR since their schooldays, excel in different walks of life, testify to the fact that they owe a lot to the guidance provided by CSR. It makes us feel proud. It motivates us to strive harder for our readers. At CSR, we are committed to providing the best for the leaders of tomorrow.
CSR focuses on Current Affairs and News on National and International issues, along with supplements on courses like MBA. Today CSR is a leading educational magazine. The National Readership Survey suggests that the CSR’s average yearly readership is more than 1 million.
For the CSR Essay Contests, four topics are announced every month. The best essay on each of the Four Topics will be awarded a Certificate of Merit plus Study Material + Pens + Deodorant Body Spray (worth Rs. 3100).
Forty (40) other contestants selected on the basis of merit will receive Certificate of Merit plus India & The World Wall Maps worth Rs. 250 plus a Certificate of Merit.
The length of the essay should not exceed 1,500 words. The Editor will pay special attention to the participant’s grasp of the topic and to the ability to think constructively and to present one’s ideas concisely, logically and effectively.
From 19 years to 30 years.
Interested participants can submit online via email: contests[at]competitionreview[dot]in or through the website of Competition Success Review Magazine.
The deadline for submission is March 10, 2025.
Email: contests[at]competitionreview[dot]in